coordinates CHANGELOG
CHANGELOG for library coordinates.
Author: Olli Lammi 

Version v1.0g, 17.10.2023
* Cleanup and bug fix on MGRS_to_WGS84lalo method.

Version v1.0f, 17.01.2022
* Python3 version

Version v1.0e, 18.11.2015
* Added support for ETRS-GKn coordinates

Version v1.0c, 14.02.2014
* Added WGS84travel function. 

* Fixed a bug in WGS84bearing function (returned initial bearing was wrong). 

Version v1.0b, 05.12.2012
* Added MGRS conversion functions. 

* Fixed WGS84 bearing and distance bug to support coincident points. 

Version v1.0a, 25.10.2012
* Published the rewritten version under MIT License. 
01.02.2024 taloLogger v1.8d released