taloLoggerCont CHANGELOG
CHANGELOG for package taloLoggerCont.
Author: Olli Lammi 

Version 1.0e, 01.02.2024
* TaloLogger updated to version v1.8d. 

Version 1.0d, 30.01.2024
* TaloLogger updated to version v1.8c. 

Version 1.0c, 25.01.2024
* TaloLogger updated to version v1.8b. 

* DialEye v1.0b added to taloLogger container.

* Cosmetic bug fixes.

Version 1.0b, 27.09.2023
* Enabled RPi.GPIO in taloLogger container for Arm based architectures.

* MariaDB official database container is not available for older 32 bit Raspbian 
  installations (armhf or armv7). Added docker-compose.yml sample file for
  MySQL talodb container for armhf.

Version 1.0a, 24.09.2023
* Initial release to public.
01.02.2024 taloLogger v1.8d released