python --help
python --info
python [options] <map_name> <coord_N> <coord_E> <size_x> <size_y> [scale]
python --corners [options] <map_name> <coord_bl_N> <coord_bl_E> <coord_tr_N> <coord_tr_E> [scale]
--help - Prints out a help and exits.
--info - Prints out a list of supported service names,
map scales, layers and supported calibration file types.
Exits without fetching any maps.
-s <service_code>
--service <service_code> - Use the given service to retrieve
the maps. Default is "pti" = Paikkatietoikkuna.
Use option --info to see the list of supported
--cachedonly - Uses only the cached images. Will not contact
the actual service for new map data. If the
result map contains areas that are not found in
the cache, those areas will appear yellow in the
result map.
--cache <directory> - Use cache directory given with this
parameter. Default is "./map_cache/".
--palette - Convert the result image to palette mode
before saving. Default is RGB true color
mode when the result file format supports
--direction <d> - By default the given coordinate point in
the command line is the center point of the
result map. However with this parameter,
user can define, to which compass direction from the
given point the map is generated. Valid
values for <d> are C (default), N, NE, E, SE, S,
SW, W and NW.
For example "--direction SW" will result to a
map with lower right corner coordinate to be
the point given in the command line.
--corners - If given, the script expects 4 coordinate values
(bottom left and top right corners of the map)
instead of the map center coordinate and size.
--force-coordinates - Unused since v3.0h
--starttime <HHMM> - Start time for the download. For example
option "--starttime 0200" will make the
script wait until clock is 02:00 at night
and then start the map download. By default
the script will start the download right away.
Using the cached map parts will not be delayed.
--save <type> - Save a calibration file of given type. By
default the script will save the result map
image and map calibration file for OziExplorer.
Use option --info to see the list of supported
calibration file types. Multiple options may be
given on same command line.
--overlap <Nx> <Ny> <overlap_km> - Save multiple overlapped map
files from the configured area by paremeters.
When using this option, fetch_Map will create
multiple map images that overlap each other by
configured distance <overlap_km>. The number of
images in horisontal and vertical directions
are configured with parameters <Nx> and <Ny>.
The map image location will be added to the map
and calibration file names.
python --overlap 4 3 0.5 TestMap
6815986 2480962 6.0 5.0 1:16000
The above command would generate 12 separate map
files TestMap_1_1.png, TestMap_1_2.png, ...,
TestMap_4_3.png. The generated map files next to
other image will overlap each other by
0.5 kilometers.
--layer <layername>[:<alpha%>] - Add a named transparent layer provided
by the map service. Use --info to see available layer names.
If <alpha%> is given, it will override the module
default transparency for this layer. Value is
an integer between 0-100, where 100 is fully
not transparent and 0 is fully transparent.
Example: --layer foobar:50
--nobg - If given with layer option, will produce a map with no
background map and transparent background with the
layers on top.
map_name - Name of the map, result map will be outputted
to file <map_name>. If parameter contains
no file extension, '.png' will be appended
and PNG-picture format will be used by
coord_N - Northing coordinate of the middle point of
the result map (see also --direction -option)
coord_E - Easting coordinate of the middle point of
the result map (see also --direction -option)
size_x - width of the result map in kilometers
(approx), example: 10.2
size_y - height of the result map in kilometers
(approx), example: 8.5
coord_bl_N - Northing coordinate of the bottom left corner
of the result map (see --corners option).
coord_bl_E - Easting coordinate of the bottom left corner
of the result map (see --corners option).
coord_tr_N - Northing coordinate of the top right corner
of the result map (see --corners option).
coord_tr_E - Easting coordinate of the top right corner
of the result map (see --corners option).
scale - (optional parameter) scale of the result map.
Use option --info to retrieve supported scales
for services.
Coordinates can be given in KKJ, YKJ, ETRS-TM35FIN and
WGS84 formats. WGS84 coordinates are lat and lon values
for northing and easting. Possible formats for WGS84
coordinate values are according to following examples:
61.451378 (for 61.451378 degrees)
61,27.083 (for 61 degrees, 27.083 minutes)
61,27,4.96 (for 61 degrees, 27 minutes, 4.96 seconds)
Grid coordinate values with easting less than 1000000
are considered as ETRS-TM35FIN coordinates and with
with easting greater than or equal 1000000 are considered
ATTENTION! Both lat and lon coordinates of a single map
point must always be given in the same coordinate system
(e.g. WGS84 or KKJ).
Example command will fetch 6x5 kilometer map in 1:32000
scale from Pirkkala area.
python Pirkkala 6815986 2480962 6.0 5.0 1:32000
the same map using WGS84 coordinate system
python Pirkkala 61,27,4.96 23.639721
6.0 5.0 1:32000
again the same map using ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system
python Pirkkala 6817681 320897 6.0 5.0 1:32000
again the same map using ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system,
using Paikkatietoikkuna map service, having terrain base map and
one additional layer
python -s pti --layer tm35lehtijako --terrain
Pirkkala 6817681 320897 6.0 5.0 1:32000
same area but the map service is and
scale 1:25000
python -s rka Pirkkala 61,27,4.96
23.639721 6.0 5.0 1:25000
Map service related help: Paikkatietoikkuna (pti)
Module options: --terrain - Fetch terrain (maasto) maps instead of
service default base maps
--orto - Fetch air pictures instead of
service default base maps
--hillshade - Fetch hillshade ("3D") pictures instead of
service default base maps
Map service related help: (rka)
Module options: --maastokartta - Use maastokartta as background map
--ilmakuva - Use aerial pictures as background map
--rinnevarjostus - Use hillshade ("3D") pictures as background map
--taustakartta - Use taustakartta material as background map
--selkokartta - Use selkokartta material as background map